
Right lung
Groove for subclavian artery
Groove for brachiocephalic vein
Groove for 1st rib
Groove for superior vena cava
Anterior border
Area for thymus and fatty
tissue of anterior mediastinum
Horizontal fissure
Cardiac impression
Groove for inferior vena cava
Diaphragmatic surface
Area for trachea
Area for esophagus
Groove for azygos vein
Oblique fissure
Pleura (
cut edge
Right superior lobar
(eparterial) bronchus
Right pulmonary arteries
Right bronchial artery
Right intermediate bronchus
Right superior pulmonary veins
Bronchopulmonary (hilar)
lymph nodes
Right inferior pulmonary veins
Groove for esophagus
Pulmonary ligament
Inferior border
Left lung
Area for trachea and esophagus
Oblique fissure
Groove for arch of aorta
Pleura (
cut edge
Left pulmonary artery
Left bronchial arteries
Left main bronchus
Left superior pulmonary veins
Bronchopulmonary (hilar)
lymph nodes
Left inferior pulmonary vein
Groove for descending aorta
Inferior border
Groove for subclavian artery
Groove for 1st rib
Anterior border
Groove for left
brachiocephalic vein
Area for thymus and fatty
tissue of anterior mediastinum
Cardiac impression
Pulmonary ligament
Cardiac notch
Oblique fissure
Groove for esophagus
Diaphragmatic surface
Oblique fissure
Middle lobe
Superior lobe
Inferior lobe
Inferior lobe
Superior lobe
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